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jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
console.log("Hello from Gravity Forms test!");
gform.addFilter('gform_validation_before_submit', function(form, formId){
// Check if the current form is form ID 3.
if (formId == 3) { // Only apply validation to form ID 3
// Get the field ID. Replace '1' with the actual field ID.
var fieldId = 34;
// Get the field value.
var fieldValue = $('#input_' + formId + '_' + fieldId).val();
if (fieldValue) { // Only validate if the field isn't empty
// ***TESTING: Alert the field value***
alert("Field Value: " + fieldValue); // This will show the value in an alert box
// Regular expression for valid domain endings. Customize as needed.
var validDomainRegex = /\.(com|net|org|co\.uk|edu|io)$/i; // Example
if (!validDomainRegex.test(fieldValue)) {
alert('Please enter a abbreviated website URL ending in a valid domain (e.g., thegalley.com, .net, .org, .co.uk, .edu, .io).');
form.isValid = false;
return form;
} // End of the form ID check
return form;